HL7 FHIR: an international standard for enhancing health data

Healthcare providers need an easy way to share data to provide quality patient care. To do this, they need ready access to this information. Over the decades, the proliferation of data sources and formats has complicated the task.


The HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standard allows health data to be stored in warehouses compatible with this standard while complying with data modelling.


Download our latest guide to find out everything you need to know about this standard used by the web industry giants.

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Download THE must-have guide

 ðŸ‘‰ What you'll find 

  • Understand why FHIR was created by retracing the origins of the HL7 standard.
  • Why FHIR is used and the needs it meets.
  • Find out how Enovacom, pioneer in health data interoperability, is already using FHIR with its customers.

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